Our services
We help your company or organization to become future-proof. By utilizing your own creativity and creative capacity and that of your stakeholders. Without looking away when the task seems difficult.
Get your company or organization moving with storytelling and make the connection between your people, your stakeholders and society. In text and image, both online and offline. Storytelling is about telling real stories that matter and that show how you contribute to a sustainable future. Het Portaal helps your narratives to flow, and brings your story to life with the right target groups.
Stakeholder engagement and value creation are not tricks. No issue is the same and to give it body, whether it is reactive or proactive, requires a unique approach. However, we do see a number of principles and starting points that we share during our masterclasses. Based on 25 years of practical experience, external cases and study, we offer participants a unique opportunity to master the art of effective stakeholder engagement and to apply it directly in one’s own work.
Stakeholder dialogue & collaboration
Societal value creation or innovation is realized together with your stakeholders. The transition tasks have become so complex for many companies that collaborating with known or even relatively unknown stakeholders has proven to be unavoidable. Het Portaal helps you to program and organize a fruitful dialogue with the right parties, in such a way that relationships are created for the long term. What supports us in doing so is our agency’s high-quality network, built up over the course of more than two decades.
Strategy & Insight
With a clear sustainability and communication strategy, your company’s ambitions make the ambitions of your company or organization concrete and visible. Together, we determine which themes matter, what you want to achieve and how you can make your efforts and ambitions visible in a credible and appealing way. Where necessary, we validate our advice by means of, for example, a materiality matrix, CSR framework or stakeholder analysis.
Secondment & interim
Sometimes business is chaotic. Colleagues are temporarily unavailable or the ambitions at your company or organization are so great that calendars overflow. During these times, Het Portaal can offer relief by temporarily stepping in.
In addition, Het Portaal collaborates with a flexible circle of professionals from various disciplines. Support for your communication (strategy), content creation or event programming come to mind. Every professional who starts working for you wants to contribute to a sustainable future, just like we do.